Kidney Stone Symtoms What Are The Symtoms Of A Bladder/kidney/urinary Track Infection?

What are the symtoms of a bladder/kidney/urinary track infection? - kidney stone symtoms

My symptoms are: it hurts when I pee feel sick when I'm done, I still feel like pee and do not feel good! Very cloudy urine, and bleeding when I pee (no, not my time to it) and then I'm also sick, fever, pain, etc. .. My husband had a kidney infection, bladder for some time due to poor kidney stones, he could have sex with him? I'm 31 and I know that some of these may seem absurd? Never 's, but in my life I had a bladder / kid. / Or a urinary tract infection, so I really do not know the variety of symptoms, and all that it's all I know I'm in a great pain and discomfort! Please help with no immature comments!


starlet1... said...

Sounds like a urinary tract infection - usually gets a lot of pain with kidney stones or infections. Cystitus can be severe. Go to your doctor now before it even worse xx

starlet1... said...

Sounds like a urinary tract infection - usually gets a lot of pain with kidney stones or infections. Cystitus can be severe. Go to your doctor now before it even worse xx

starlet1... said...

Sounds like a urinary tract infection - usually gets a lot of pain with kidney stones or infections. Cystitus can be severe. Go to your doctor now before it even worse xx

curious said...

an appointment as soon as you think you have to buy a possible.i Uristat median time in the pharmacies, to help them to pee and relieve pain.

♥Invisible Pink Unicorn♥ said...

While the kidneys or bladder infections are not STD / STI "is what it sounds like you have a urinary tract infection!

Painful urination
Blood in urine
Burning during urination
Dark urine

All the signs of a urinary tract infection

odam said...

make an appointment with your doctor. In the meantime, you go to, click on health, the health of women. UTI type of research, good luck. ALOS drink lots of water and cranberry juice. Good luck

odam said...

make an appointment with your doctor. In the meantime, you go to, click on health, the health of women. UTI type of research, good luck. ALOS drink lots of water and cranberry juice. Good luck

Aphrodit... said...

Insurance sounds like a urinary tract infection, this improvement for certain medications is necessary. In the meantime, however, what you can do to be given medication to ensure that drinking plenty of water to drink a lot a lot better, but drinking cranberry juice, and further. Do not try to pee as often as this may make it worse and more painful.
also on grounds of sex, you can not be that way, but sometimes you can get a bladder infection during sex, because bacteria can cause infections of the urethra and to remember the best thing to enter, that is pee after sex.
Good luck, hope this helps

rizwan s said...

UT Although most are not serious, the most common cause is bacteria UT cup and on the skin near the anus or vagina, spread and enter the UT through the urethra and can travel upwards leading to infection of the bladder and sometimes in other parts of the UT.Sexual relationship is also a common cause.
To avoid washing washing the rectum and vagina, UT days after urinating, you can before and after sex and the abundance of water bacteria UT risk.Drinking daily urine color system.vitamin UT C reduces cranberry juice also reduce the risk. Suppose you and your husband to help recommendations.Hope doctor for antibiotics.

Charlie C said...

In any case, sounds like a urinary tract infection or bladder infection. Medical assistance should be as soon as possible, because left untreated can spread to the kidneys and cause serious damage. Now, some pharmacies "minute clinics" which are like mini-emergency care, but only the treatment of certain things, that this is one of them. You can test your urine on the floor and decide whether it is an infection, prescribing antibiotics. In the future, drink plenty of water and urinate on the right always before and after sex, and wipe after using the toilet, always from front to rear. Sorry if you already know everything, but the nurse in me.

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